Protect your family and pets from dangerous ticks. Call today for comprehensive tick control options.

Ticks are 10th in our customer demand ranking but are public enemy #1, our opinion. Ticks are not insects but are more closely related to mites and spiders. Ticks are classified into hard ticks and soft ticks. In New Jersey, only hard ticks commonly become a nuisance or health problem. Both females and males feed on blood. Ticks can be VECTORS, which is an animal or microorganism that carries and transmits an infectious pathogen (bacteria) into another living organism. While Lyme disease cannot be overstated, several other tick-borne illnesses are now known to occur in NJ, including human babesiosis, human anaplasmosis and human monocytic ehrilichiosis (HME), and others will likely be identified in the future.


  • Blacklegged Tick also known as the “Deer Tick” is the primary vector for Lyme disease, Human Basesiosis and human granulocytric ehrlichiosis (HGE). They are found in leaf litter just outside the perimeter of grass areas and brush, outdoors. The primary reservoir hosts are the white-footed mouse and Eastern chipmunk. A reservoir host harbors bacterial pathogens which ticks transmit from the host to humans. These ticks have a 2 year life cycle and are very small from biting nymphs as small as a speck of dirt to and adult 8mm in length.
  • Brown Dog Tick thrive indoors and can infest structures when dogs return from kennels or animal hospitals. Brown Dog Ticks are not known to transmit diseases. It feeds almost exclusivley on dogs, man is rarely attacked. The BDT is about 1/8 inch long and up to ½ when engorged.
  • American Dog Tick will attack a variety of animals, including humans. Unfed adults are ¼ inch in length and larger than the Brown Dog and Blacklegged Ticks. Although not a structural pest, it is commonly found outdoors and readliy attacks humans. It is of medical importance because it vectors the causal organisms of Rock Mountain spotted fever and tularemia, and causes tick paralysis.


  1. Trigger low-grade adulticide or All-Natural oils into a back pack air blower to tumble leaf litter and coat all sides of leaves and exposed dirt
  2. Time treatments based on emergence
  3. Apply low-grade granulars to leaf litter beds and wooded areas within 5-10 feet of grass