Schedule a Free No Obligation Lawn & Shrub Evaluation Today!
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Program results you can see:
- Deeper, thicker root system
- Consistent color with less surge growth (less clippings)
- Low burn potential
- Improved drought tolerance and recovery
- Greatly improved organic matter in soil
- Improved plant vigor
Our Philosophy and Approach
While many of us in the landscape industry have been well trained in the use of mineral and synthetic fertilizers, few have acquired an understanding of how organic matter is instrumental in growing healthy lawns and plants, reducing pesticide usage and helping clean our water.
At Dial Environmental, we provide effective nutrient management programs that utilize biological methods which can be augmented by minerals nutrients. Healthy soils solve many problems in the landscape and the environment.
Like probiotics, we promote more efficient use of the soils surrounding nutrients with organics. This contributes to a more robust ecosystem in and around your soil adding to your plant’s overall health.
Winning Formula
Organics > Aeration > Testing
Are weeds making it tough for you to grow grass? Our program offers pre-emergent control for crab grass and spot treatments for broadleaf weeds when necessary.
The first step in weed control is to develop a dense, properly managed turf. If this approach fails to prevent weed infestation, herbicides that will control most turfgrass weeds are available. Annual grass weeds, such as crabgrass, can be controlled with pre-emergence herbicides. These chemicals are applied prior to weed seed germination in early to mid-spring.
Are insects or diseases preventing your grass from growing? Our program provides protection against sub-surface and surface feeding insects.
Turfgrass insects or disease problems can occur at any time of the year. Some diseases occur under a blanket of snow during the frigid months of winter, while others appear only during the hottest and most humid conditions of mid-summer. The first step in managing a turfgrass disease is to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is made, a treatment program will be created to cure the disease followed by a preventative program. Most insect problems occur from late spring to early fall. Japanese beetle grubs feed on turfgrass roots during May and June and again in late August, September, and early October. Often, the sod can be rolled back like a carpet and the grubs exposed. Birds, skunks, raccoons, and moles often will dig up grub-infested turf, sometimes creating extensive damage. The best time to control grubs is in early summer. Leaf- and stem-feeding insects, such as chinch bugs and sod webworms, cause turf damage during hot, dry weather in June, July, and August.
Soil Testing
Why do so few lawn care professionals make soil testing a core element of the lawn care offering? The general recommendation is to sample and test a lawn every three (3) years, but unfortunately, we know less than 1% actually offer and provide this service.
At Dial Environmental, we know it takes extra time and cost to collect samples, send to the lab and interpret the data coming back from the lab. This is a wonderful way to provide our clients a third-party report card on how we are doing and a blue print for us to make adjustments and diagnose the needs of your lawn.
Core Aeration
Many lawn care professionals can overlook the importance of core aeration or may not not choose to invest in the equipment to perform this type of work.
At Dial Environmental, we believe that annual aeration is one of the most beneficial and impactful services that we can provide for your lawn. Timing is everything and the fall season is the most optimum time to facilitate rapid recovery during periods of cool weather, when weeds are not germinating. Spring aeration can bring weed seeds to the soil surface and create voids for weeds to germinate and grow, which is why we aerate in the fall.
Primary Benefits of Fall Aeration:
- Core aerification equipment removes cores of soil to benefit turf
- Breaks up the thatch layer of root systems
- Allows air, water and essential nutrients to get further into the soil
- Helps improve surface drainage
- Breaks up soil compaction from dog runs and pathways
- Allows lawns to recover from summer heat stress
- Beneficial to organic microbe acceleration and distribution to soil
- New grass seedlings are more successful during the fall